Updater is a moving app that helps residents manage all of the tasks and services related to relocating to a new home. Residents can book movers, buy moving boxes, complete property move-in tasks (e.g. uploading proof of insurance, paying move-in costs, etc.), and set up essential services like utilities, TV, and Internet service. Launched in 2010 with a vision to transform the moving process, Updater facilities more than 25% of annual household moves in the United States.

I conducted a UX audit of the resident app onboarding experience and identified a few friction points in the signup flow that were likely affecting TV/Internet signup conversion rates–a primary driver for Updater's business:

• 'Claiming' an email invite from property managers did not actually grant access to the app
• New users were not greeted to the app with an explanation of features 
• Conversion funnel data confirmed many users were dropping off on the account creation step

I worked with the Updater team to design a newly branded signup flow that stores user account information, and recognizes residents who download and enter the app via a property manager's invitation email. It features a personalized intro carousel to welcome residents to their specific property, and explains what the app can do. When prompted to create the account, users now have the option to proceed with the email address on file, or authenticate with Apple or Google instead. Finally, for the in-app experience, I recommended organizing the content in a way that more closely reflected the steps of a mover journey, in addition to displaying services better tailored to residents' location and size of new home. 

With these enhancements, Updater reported a 3x increase in TV/Internet signup conversion rates through their native apps.
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